• 被诅咒的游戏14
  • 剧情介绍
八点影院分享被诅咒的游戏在线免费观看全集高清完整版解说,被诅咒的游戏14电影剧情讲述了<p>Bang, bang, you&#39;re dead. No, really dead. A group of twelve year old kids play war in a forest but the audience views the action through their eyes. They fire real machine guns, hear mortars exploding around them, and dodge bloody shrapnel from grenades. I Declare War is a movie for young and adult audiences alike, featuring twelve to thirteen year old actors in the tradition of Stand By Me. With overtones of Lord of the Flies, I Declare War is a parable for not only events broadcast nightly on newscasts throughout the world, but a chilling depiction of the capacity for youth and man to take charge and to win at all costs.</p>


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