简介:Since 1977, Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film, the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year, NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA primarily sketches a positive pi..
作为一名剧情片重度爱好,小编必须向你们推荐一下这部其它电影,山姆·克莱默克的时间机器电影在2015年上映后口碑爆棚,在国内外知名影评网站上山姆·克莱默克的时间机器的新鲜度高达99%,这个成绩在剧情片领域极为罕见,山姆·克莱默克的时间机器剧情片时刻刺激着观众的眼球,可以说山姆·克莱默克的时间机器电影是一部剧情跌宕起伏、环环相扣的剧情片,本片由Sam,Klemke主演,导演是Matthew,Bate,上映于2015年的其它,山姆·克莱默克的时间机器讲述了Since 1977, Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film, the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year, NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA primarily sketches a positive picture of humanity, Klemke's honest self portraits zoom in on the individual. A special film about time, memory and what it means to be human.