简介:<p> In the peaceful Paju Heyri Art Village, a zombie incident suddenly occurs. For the opening of the Heyri Arts Center, three friends, Jinseon, Hyuna, and Gayeon, decided to face this crisis...
作为一名喜剧片重度爱好,小编必须向你们推荐一下这部韩国电影,僵尸粉碎 : Heyri电影在2021年上映后口碑爆棚,在国内外知名影评网站上僵尸粉碎 : Heyri的新鲜度高达99%,这个成绩在喜剧片领域极为罕见,僵尸粉碎 : Heyri喜剧片时刻刺激着观众的眼球,可以说僵尸粉碎 : Heyri电影是一部剧情跌宕起伏、环环相扣的喜剧片,本片由内详主演,导演是张贤相,上映于2021年的韩国,僵尸粉碎 : Heyri讲述了<p> In the peaceful Paju Heyri Art Village, a zombie incident suddenly occurs. For the opening of the Heyri Arts Center, three friends, Jinseon, Hyuna, and Gayeon, decided to face this crisis. And a novice YouTuber and a coffee factory president add it. Director Jang Hyun-sang's new film, Zombie Crush: Hey Lee, is a film about daily life in a tumult by a zombie suddenly appearing o...</p>